Today was a pretty laid back day, which is good because I think all of us are getting a little tired. We had an early morning practice and then drove back out to Coventry to watch the FA Women’s Final, and Arsenal took home the cup with a well deserved 2-0 over Bristol . It was a pretty uneventful game, but it was really cool to see how stoked everyone was for a women’s game. There were over 13,000 fans, and even though that didn’t nearly fill the stadium, it’s a lot more than I expected, especially given that women’s soccer isn’t even as big here as it is in America (Not my own words, I got that straight from the Brits). Speaking of America , apparently everyone can tell we’re Americans, even from a distance and without having talked to us. I was always sort of suspicious of the fact that we got stared at a lot, but today when we were walking around a shopping mall waiting for the gates to open for the game, some girl just walks up to us and asks, “Are you really Americans?” Um…what? We weren’t talking, so she didn’t hear our accents. We weren’t in super obvious tourist clothes. We weren’t playing Yankee Doodle and waving the Stars and Stripes. Yet somehow, everyone seems to just know we’re Americans, and they think it’s strange to see us here – but whatever, it makes me feel a little special to be noticed! Just kidding, that was a little vain…I do find it funny, however, that she would ask if we're really Americans. No. I'm a fake American. I'm an imposter American from Argentina. I mean seriously?!
My cottage helped cooked dinner again tonight, and our quesadillas and Spanish rice were a hit! See mom, I can cook…I just choose not to! I also had my first taste of British ice cream, though it wasn’t that much different than the stuff you buy in America . They had an ice cream truck outside of the mall, and everyone said their cones were really good, so I couldn’t resist. They tasted like the whipped cake frosting that you get at the store, but colder and creamier (the cone left a little to be desired, but since it was so cool looking – it was like a regular cone at the bottom, but two cones at the top – I think I’ll let it slide). I also got a sausage roll at the stadium, and that was pretty good, too, though not nearly as good as the English Breakfast yesterday! I’ve also found that I’m starting to really like Nutella, which I’ve haven’t eaten until my teammates bought it here for sandwiches. Looks like I’ll have to start buying it stateside, too.
I’m starting to feel a little potsy, which sucks, but it’s not too bad. I think all of the driving and sitting/standing upright for so long is getting to me and my back and shoulders are cramping (blah coat hanger pain at its finest.), and I’m getting lightheaded quite often throughout the day. I just keep praying I make it through the trip without a migraine or really bad episode, because this trip has just been so awesome and I don’t want that to put a damper on it. I just keep holding on to words of Isaiah, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They shall soar on wings like eagles (like eagles ya’ll, like eagles! Sorry…Remember the Titans…) they shall run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Like I’ve said in previous posts, that verse has never held truer for me than since I’ve had POTS.
Anyway, tomorrow we’re going to practice in the morning again, and then take in the Aston Villa v Liverpool game, and hopefully it will be more exciting than today’s game!
My name is Amy Swearer, and POTS stole my life. I’m taking it back. (In England !).
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