Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Random Thoughts From The Day

Well, let’s see…we’ve been unpacked for only a few hours and already we’ve fried all of our downstairs power outlets, destroyed two hair driers, and started one fire. I’d like to see what would happen if we actually tried to ruin things around here…
I just discovered that my cottage has a supersized bathtub. Guess who soaked in it for 25 minutes? Me.
You know what’s really fun? 19, 20, and 21 year old girls playing charades, and taking it seriously.
You know what else is fun? Trying to convert liters into gallons, kilometers into miles, and pounds into grams. Not really, that wasn’t fun at all.
It’s been decided that we should just carry a sign that says “From America.” It’s better than having to wait for them to hear our accents to understand why we have no idea what we’re doing…

My name is Amy Swearer, and POTS stole my life. I'm taking it back. (In England!).

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