Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love you, mommy!

Ok so I took my Valentine's Day rant down...I know I know...it was a fan favorite and you are all really disappointed that you can't read it again and again and again....and again....and again.....and aga - ok I'll stop. Seriously though, you can blame my mom. At least that's what I always do and it seems to work! (Mommy I love you! MWUAH kissey face).

In other news, I still have POTS.

Let's check again....

Yep still have it now, too.

Bummer, I was hoping it would go away. Anyway, I saw a really cool shirt today. I think it was about cancer, but I don't really care. I'm still gonna take it and use it for my own purposes (I know that probably makes me some baby hating monster, but I've been called worse. I can take it). It said "Had it. Fought it. Beat it." I want one for potsies...except it would be more like "Had it. Fought it. Drank pickle juice. Beat it." Because if you have POTS and you haven't started drinking the miracle that is dill pickle juice, you haven't lived yet. You also haven't choked, sputtered, gurgled and partially thrown up said pickle juice in your mouth yet, but whatever. It works its magic and gets me through the day. Add in some Jesus, soccer, and Calc II (just kidding about the Calc.) and life is awesome.

Oh and check out this super cool video from The Remnant guys...it gets really cool around 1:40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuC3-pG1ML0 it really reminds me of how awesome our God is and just how powerful He is. More coming on what I think of this video, but I'm tired so I'm peacing out (that means "going to bed").

My name is Amy Swearer, and POTS stole my life. I'm taking it back.

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