I found my phone!!!
Actually, that's a lie. Someone else found my phone, and then turned the phone in at one of the offices in Nebraska Hall. But that's beside the point. Anyhoo...my phone is back in my posession AND it's Saturday AND it's almost 50 degrees outside (can you say heat wave?!). This is definitely one of those days to praise God for....which reminds of something I was thinking about as I was frantically looking for my phone.
When I realized my phone was lost, I literally spent the next 4 hours looking all over for it. I tore apart my room piece by piece. I retraced every step I took that day. I called campus police, my RA, the dorm front desk, the facilities and operations people, LPD, the State Patrol, NASA (someone had to check the moon for me, right?) the FBI, CIA, NSA, NRA, KGB, ABC and the Dept. of Homeland Security (slight exaggeration, but just roll with me here). And then I lathered, rinsed, and repeated the whole process. I missed team study hall. I missed dinner. I missed the guy from Remember the Titans speaking at the Union. I wanted to find that phone like I have never wanted to find anything before.
What if I sought after God like I sought after my phone? What if I tore through my Bible like I tore through my room? What if I put as much effort into living for God as I put into living to find my stupid phone? yeeaaahhhh....MIND. BLOWN.
The prophet Jeremiah wrote in his God-breathed letter to the exiled Israelites, "'You will seek me and find me when you seek with all of your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord." I will be found by you. There's no mystery. There's no smoke screen. There's no cloak and dagger. You will find God, but only if you seek Him. Seek: (verb) 1. to try to locate or discover 2. to endeavor to obtain or reach. It implies action on our part. Whole hearted action, the kind used to find a lost phone. The kind used to push through those last few minutes of a game. The kind used to get out of bed on those days when your body says, "no." When we get serious about seeking after God, when we want it more than anything else, we won't come away disappointed.
My name is Amy Swearer, and POTS stole my life. I'm taking it back.
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