Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Preseason, We Meet Again...

Day 1 of preseason? Done. All of it. Every second of both practices, lifting, and agility. Who said POTS was debilitating? Yeah…they never met me or my fellow athletes with POTS.

Anyway, what does 100+ degree weather get you? Super dehydrated! I don’t think I’ve had to drink this much water, Gatorade, and chocolate milk ever in my life…and I still dropped a lot of weight at each practice. But I actually feel decidedly good right now. Maybe it’s because this isn’t my first time around the torture that is preseason. Maybe it’s because I’m mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually in a much better place than I’ve been in a long time. Maybe it’s the fact that now I know I have something to fight for in the other athletes I’ve come to know who have POTS. And maybe it’s just because I’m more awesome than a unicorn-cat-poptart pooping rainbows across the galaxy (see I prefer to think "all of the above."

I have to be lame and go to bed now because 5:30 am comes way too quickly to those who are already tired. Until next time…

My name is Amy Swearer, and POTS stole my life. I’m taking it back. 

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