Friday, August 3, 2012

Preseason By The Numbers

5 – the number of times I died today (also, the number of times I somehow resurrected from the dead)

4 – the number of degrees over 100 today

3 – the number of preseason days I’ve finished

2 –  the number of practices I’ll have tomorrow

1 – the number of days until our first off day

0 – the amount of energy I have right now

But you know what I like to do when I feel miserable? I like to make other people feel a little less miserable. (It actually works, and I wish more people would try it. This world would be a more joyful place.) So I brought the freshmen some freezy pops and ice pops to enjoy at the dorm, under the guise of “rehydrating them.” Really I was just trying to make sure that they’re all still alive after day 3…you never know with the younglings! 

Time to go watch the Olympics and pass out into a blissful sleep...thank God we get to "sleep in" for a 9 a.m. practice instead of our regular 7 a.m. start time. Fantastic. Rule number 32 - enjoy the little things. 

My name is Amy Swearer, and POTS stole my life. I'm taking it back.

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