Thursday, August 2, 2012

POTS -The New Diet for People Who Don't Need A Diet!

Day 2 of preseason? 100% done. My body at the moment? 100% dead. I lost 4 pounds at our afternoon practice, and that’s with me doing every possible thing to combat dehydration. Fantastic. Sometimes I wish I was in the majority of women who would be stoked over losing that much weight in 2 hours, but unfortunately I desperately need to put that weight back on through fluid intake before tomorrow morning. Which is awesome because all my body wants to do is sleep right now, and not down a bunch of Gatorade and pedialyte. Good thing I have my secret weapon waiting for me at home…his name is Dexter, and he’s the softest, cutest, and most loving “please-snuggle-with-me-now” cat that ever existed. Be jealous. For those of you who think that cats are for creepy old women, you’re wrong. Why? Because I’m right. Also, this lady says you’re wrong Cat people - 2, You - 0.

My name is Amy Swearer, and POTS stole my life. I’m taking it back.

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